Sunday 31 August 2014

Laser Pulse Turns Glass Into Metal: New Effect Could be Used for Ultra-Fast Logical Devices

Laser Pulse Turns Glass Into Metal: New Effect Could be Used for Ultra-Fast Logical Devices

Today, most devices have transistors that work on a time scale of picoseconds (10^-12), but now transistors can move down the scale and work up to a 1000 times faster and work on a time scale of femtoseconds (10^-15) thanks to the new laser technology. Short and powerful laser pulses can make quartz glass have metallic properties in a matter of a femptasecond and then when the laser pulse passes, it turns back into regular quartz glass. Quartz glass does not conduct electricity, it is an insulator, so giving it metallic properties makes it a conductor for a femptasecond. This is because the laser pulse has an extremely strong electric field and makes the oxygen located in the glass to release its electrons so they could run free, just like in metal. "The laser pulse is an extremely strong electric field, which has the power to dramatically change the electronic states in the quartz," says Georg Wachter, a scientist involved in the project. "The pulse can not only transfer energy to the electrons, it completely distorts the whole structure of possible electron states in the material." Ultra fast light electronics will probably use this in the future. This could be used in logical devices by letting electricity flow into the quartz glass, but it would not be able to go in, because quartz glass is an insulator, but when the laser pulse is sent, it turns into a conductor and electricity can pass for a femptasecond and create a signal, but when the pulse passes, electricity will no longer be able to flow through. "Modelling such effects is an extremely complex task, because many quantum processes have to be taken into account simultaneously," says Joachim Burgdörfer. Quartz glass has a crystal structure scientists have only experimented on materials with a crystal structure for now, so those materials are currently the best and shortest conductors, but future experiments with different materials will determine the truth in that. If this laser pulse and quartz glass technology replaces all logical devices and transistors we use today, it would save a lot of time if all the wasted time is added up, for it is a 1000 times faster, which would do only good to society. Because of the new speed, tiny amounts of  electricity would be saved and that would improve the household economy.

Transparent Solar Concentrators

After going through many news stories to cover in this post, I came across this one, it’s basically a transparent solar panel (see picture 1). Although there have been successes at this in the past, this one is completely transparent. The earlier ones were colored, and nobody wanted to look through colored glass. This research was led by Richard Lunt at the Michigan State University.

                                          -The revolutionary new solar concentrator (picture 1)
"No one wants to sit behind colored glass," Lunt said in a press release. "It makes for a very colorful environment, like working in a disco. We take an approach where we actually make the luminescent active layer itself transparent.”
Now this is a big step forward in our evolution. No longer must we use navy blue solar panels to get electricity that will not damage the environment. Although it currently has an efficiency of 1%, researchers stated that it will get to 5%, and that it’s completely possible, while non-transparent ones, which literally bathe the room in colorful light, get around 7%.
They have also stated that it will be ‘Affordable’ and that if you change your phone’s display it would most certainly get you from a few minutes to a couple of hours of extra battery life. It could also be used on large buildings that have many glass windows to generate some additional power.

Scientifically, a transparent solar panel is something of an oxymoron. Solar cells, specifically the photovoltaic kind, make energy by absorbing photons (sunlight) and converting them into electrons (electricity). If a material is transparent, however, by definition it means that all of the light passes through the medium to strike the back of your eye. This is why previous transparent solar cells have actually only been partially transparent — and, to add insult to injury, they usually they cast a colorful shadow too. To get around this limitation, the Michigan State researchers use a slightly different technique for gathering sunlight. Instead of trying to create a transparent photovoltaic cell (which is nigh impossible), they use a transparent luminescent solar concentrator (TLSC). The TLSC consists of organic salts that absorb specific non-visible wavelengths of ultraviolet and infrared light, which they then luminesce (glow) as another wavelength of infrared light (also non-visible). This emitted infrared light is guided to the edge of plastic, where thin strips of conventional photovoltaic solar cell convert it into electricity. [Research paper: DOI: 10.1002/adom.201400103- "Near-Infrared Harvesting Transparent Luminescent Solar Concentrators"] (see picture 2)”
                                           - This is how it works, Jesus Christ this is confusing (picture 2)

Now that’s from the website, I don’t understand more than half of it, but it sounds pretty scientific, so I guess that it’s interesting. Richard Lunt also said "We can tune these materials to pick up just the ultraviolet and the near infrared wavelengths that then 'glow' at another wavelength in the infrared. It opens a lot of area to deploy solar energy in a non-intrusive way," Lunt continued. "It can be used on tall buildings with lots of windows (see picture 3)
-Imagine if all this was covered in the stuff? (picture 3)

or any kind of mobile device that demands high aesthetic quality like a phone or e-reader. Ultimately we want to make solar harvesting surfaces that you do not even know are there." That kind of simplifies it, and as I said, it would be very useful to use on your mobile phone, your computer, your kindle e-reader even, it has a lot of useful things and it cannot be wasted. I see no downside to this, it is breakable, but let’s hope that it’s not very expensive. You can literally charge your phone and text at the same time! Come on guys, does it get any better than that? Something that charges your phone and you don’t even see it? 

We can Still Save the Penguins

Nemanja Besevic
Mr. Youell
Science Ext.
We can Still Save the Penguins
                The penguin population has been rapidly in decline for the last two decades according to a Sciencemag article. A news letter from the Huffington Post confirms by giving evidence of the amount of amount of African Penguins in 1900, 2000 and 2014. The number has dropped from 3 million in the 1900’s to 100,000 at the beginning of the 2000’s. The decline quickened in 2009 when the Seli 1 had an oil spill near the penguin’s habitat, the population now is a little more than 50,000. The accuracy of the measurements was determined because penguins can’t fly so they are generally fairly easy to count. Scientists are saying that most things leading to the fall of the penguin population can be controlled by man and can be used to stop the extinction of not only penguins but countless other species that live in the ocean. This can be seen in Fig 1.
Fig 1. This shows a dead penguin being surrounded by other penguins

                The largest and most difficult factor to deal with is the oil spills and marine debris. This is the most dangerous to all penguins, living in Africa or Antarctica. The fish that the penguins dine on are infected from the spills and debris; this makes the penguins eating them intoxicated which eventually leads to death. Other dangers include but do not exclude: food scarcity, injuries leading to increased fishing pressure and climate change. Scientists have stated that conservation on actions that can be changed will be very important in the future if we want to save the penguins and many other species living near or in the ocean. To stop this we need world leaders to come out and say that this can be ignored no longer.

Mysterious Tunisian Lake

Mysterious Tunisian Lake
                The Tunisian Lake is not like other lakes. Is it just blue? Not necessarily. Is it cold? Not at all. Every single observation made about this lake is unique. It certainly is enjoyable for both kids and older ones but how safe is it? Shepherds walking across the Tunisian desert revealed this 60 foot deep, blue lake in early July says The Guardian. The lake was soon discovered by the locals without knowing how it even came there. While a few theories suggest that it is completely safe, some suggest the very opposite.
                Lake “Lac de Gafsa” magically appeared in the Tunisian Desert, no one knowing how exactly it showed up. One theory suggests that the lake came to life as a result of a seismic activity, meaning that an earthquake created it. When a lake is caused by a seismic activity, it send liquid to the surface and can also cause water flowing the opposite direction, taking swimmer along with it. The lake completely shocked the locals but mainly scientific experts, from being just sand to turning into deep turquoise water. (See image 1) “Some say it is a miracle, while others are calling it a curse,” Lakhdar Souid, a Tunisian journalist told France 24 television.   Another theory suggests that the water formed because of rain. No theory is still scientifically proven but it is hoped that it will be soon.

Greenish lake in the Tunisian desert. (
Since the lake has been discovered hundreds of locals are visiting it at a daily basis. Even though warm water results less oxygen, Tunisians are mostly coming just because of that. The warm water relaxes them, gives them an escape from heatwave and simply gives them a nice swim. (See image 2) “News of the lake’s appearance has spread like wildfire and now hundreds of people, eager to escape a heatwave, go there to swim.” (Tunisia Daily)  The lake however caused major worries among scientific experts. Scientists discovered that the lake contains large amounts of phosphates (salt of phosphoric acid) which might have left behind radioactive marks. Also the green water has become filled with all sorts of algae, meaning that it might contain several harmful diseases. Hatef Ougi warned everyone that the water is not meant for swimming but no one really seemed to care. This is definitely a big problem. If people don’t listen to safety instructions their lives can be in danger and the life of others too. Since there might be parasites in this lake anyone can catch them and easily spread them on to anyone by contact. Another big concern is that there are no lifeguards or any sort of protection in Lac de Gafsa. I personally think that if there were lifeguards less to none people would swim in lake which so far is the safest solution.

Lac de Gafsa
Lac de Gafsa crowded with people locals all ages. (

How exactly did people find out that the lake might be dangerous? This is where science comes in. If there wasn’t science, if science wasn’t applied in this case no one would ever know anything about this lake. Scientists already collected some samples from the lake but are still trying to figure out whether Lac de Gafsa is safe or not. So far scientists came up some theories and just a few confirmed observations. The sooner each theory is confirmed and the sooner the locals are informed, everyone will know if this lake is safe to swim in or even be around.

Although this lake is amusing and fun for all the locals, the safety has still not been confirmed. Once the scientists test all their theories locals will for sure know whether or not Lac de Gafsa is meant for swimming. 


Science creates organs for the immune system

        It so seems that scientists are a step closer to a new discovery. They were able to produce a new working organ from laboratory cells, hoping to cure people with weak immune systems. (Image 1) This functional laboratory cell was created into a living organ and tested on an animal for the first time, but it might take another decade until they can make sure it’s safe enough for the human body.

Image 1: Fibroblasts which are altered into the thymus cells or so called epithelial cells.

          An article in The Guardian caught my attention where they have indicated that a British scientist was able to produce a working organ that would be placed by the nerve center. This cell, which has created the Thymus organ, also known as the T cell is hopefully a new discovery to treatment for those who have weak immune systems. Cells called fibroblasts were transferred from a mice embryo and were reprogrammed into a completely different cell called the Thymus.  This resulting thymus was mixed with other thymus cells and it was relocated into mice. This development made it possible for the mice to grow a whole new structured organ. (Image 2) Even though not all of the T cells would be able to come from the lab, this is still a first step to a new innovation. 

Image 2: The laboratory made cells which were displaced into the mice kidney establishing a thymus.

According to The Science Daily although this new cell structured way of creating the thymus is for a good cause, there still are challenges. Doctors were able to show us that, patients who have thymus disorders can be treated if they have extra immune cells infused or if they have a thymus transplant. But the first issue with this is that there aren't enough organ donors for everyone suffering from this, but luckily if the plan those scientists have by now works, their patients could be healed. But if this does work, how will they be able to supply all the cells for the organ and would it be safe? All though the article in The Guardian has already told us that not all of the cells required for the organ can now be made in the lab, this isn't all. There are a number of scientists, clinicians and engineers working on this new technology hoping to make it come true and trusting it not to cause any tumor formation.
          Despite the fact that other scientist have also been trying and making new organs from stem cells including, the heart, brains and liver, no one was able to succeed in creating an organ from cells made outside the body. But unlike those situations, these laboratory cells developing the thymus were successfully made outside of the body and even relocated into mice. Though, this will most likely take another 10 years of testing, this is the closest scientists have got to creating a living organ that could save people’s health.  

Saturday 30 August 2014

The Ebola outbreak in Africa

Richard Koys
Science 9A

A few days ago, an outbreak has occurred in Africa: The Ebola outbreak. It has killed over 1,427 people and is getting worse.
 First of all, what is this thing called the Ebola? Ebola is a really dangerous disease that you cannot escape. It gives you high fever, bleeding and central nervous system damage. Other symptoms are that the person gets diarrhea, vomiting and becomes weak. It also attacks person’s internal organs. There is a 90% chance that a person can get an Ebola but the current outbreak which is happening now has a rate of 55%.  The incubation period of Ebola is from 2 to 21 days. It develops inside of a person’s body. What is really interesting is that the Ebola doesn't change the person from the outside but only from the inside and the person can’t feel a thing. You never know then who has the Ebola. You can get Ebola through your eyes, mouth, and skin and also from cuts. What is even worse is that there is no cure to Ebola.
Animals such as fruit bats are hosts of the Ebola virus because like rats, they carry plague and bats carry Ebola. Scientist are helping people who have the Ebola virus (see image 1) and trying to find the cure. The Ebola outbreak is active a long time and people are saying that it is the biggest outbreak ever yet.
Image 1:

(This adult has the Ebola virus while a scientist is trying to help him)

You can get Ebola from another person or when you touch or lick something that has been touched or licked by another person. You cannot tell which person has Ebola or not because it only affects the insides of a person. The best option to avoid this is to not touch or bite or lick anything after another person did it and always wash your hands because clean hands can save lives.

Friday 29 August 2014

Brazil considers transgenic trees

On Thursday I read a really interesting article in the scientific magazine “Nature”. The article is about genetically modified eucalyptus that produces 20 % more wood and it takes one year and a half less (five and a half years instead of seven) for it to be ready for harvest. This topic caused a lot of discussion.

                             Figure 1: Eucalyptus plantations near Sᾶo Paulo in Brazil

Eucalyptus is a kind of tree originally from Australia, but it is grown also in Latin America (see Figure 1). On 4 September there will be a public hearing about genetically engineered eucalyptus and if Brazil gets the approval we can expect to see this kind of plantations in other parts of the world in the near future. This would be the first case of deployment of genetically modified trees from a major commercial species on a large scale.

According to the author of the article Heidi Ledford, “the ubiquity of Eucalyptus makes Brazil’s decisions on the modified trees a special concern to environmental activists who oppose the use of genetically modified crops.” The activists opposed will urge Brazil’s National Technical Biosafety Commission to reject the trees presenting a letter signed by 259 organizations at the meeting scheduled for 4 September.

The trees were developed by FuturaGene, a biotechnology firm from Israel, later bought by Suzano Pulp and Paper of Sᾶo Paulo, Brazil. FuturaGene’s chief executive Stanley Hirsch assures that there are environmental benefits of this creation, but his reassurances have not convinced everyone. Some of the opposed activists think that genetically modified trees need more water and extract more nutrients from the soil. Furthermore, they remain in the environment for years.

GMOs are a hot topic today, with many pros and cons. We will see what the 4 September meeting produces and which side presents stronger arguments.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Science now able to rewrite memories

So far still in its early beginning stages, scientists have in fact managed to alter the memories of mice. Far from human testing this is still simply magnificent. Once this technology can actually be used it could on human patients it could help shed some insight and maybe even cure some horrible illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, addiction to harmful substances such as illegal drugs, other things alike and Crippling depression or rewriting horribly traumatic events. While the amazing things that can maybe one day be done with this one cannot help but fantasies about some scenario in which ones memories could be viewed differently or even completely altered for some sake of an “evil organizations” will. The main reason why the article in The BostonGlobe or the ones in IEEE SPECTRUM have caught so much attention from random readers is because we all believe that the power to alter memories would inevitably be used on us humans for non-justifiable reasons whether war based or not.

But how exactly where scientists able to actually change a mice’s view on an emotion or change them all together? Well we have found out that emotions and memories are stored together and scientists have now been able to change that emotion pared with that memory. It have been long known that changing emotions with a memory could actually be possible but it was not until recently that we found out where exactly that can be done. One of the ways that memories were altered was because they were completely erased. In the study mice were made to fear a tone which would be followed by electric shocks and by inhaling a gas named xenon gas. This colorless and odorless gas was able to wipe out the mice’s fear of the tone after them inhaling it for an hour after the shocks to its leg.

Instead an experiment tested something different; instead of cutting out an entire memory they changed the mice’s view on it. So what the mice previously feared and ran from it now searched for and wanted to re feel or even the opposite. This experiment used something called Optogenetics which requires laser lights as well as genetic tweaking. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was using a specific tool that with a laser controlled neurons (a specific cell that transmits nerve impulses) that have been changed to respond to light. (A picture of the tool inside the mice just like it was during the experiment can be found below titled as Image 1.) A group of mice were subjected to electric shocks while another group of mice were placed in a room with mice of the opposite sex. Once placed in a small rectangular room the feelings where reactivated by the scientists. Those who were shocked ran around scared while those in the room with mice of the opposite sex simply lounged around. Then the mice who were shocked spend time with mice of the opposite sex while the other group of mice was sent to experience electronic shocks and during this experience the scientists triggered the emotions once more. In the end it turned out that the mice that previously ran away from the rectangular room now spent time within it while the other group did not. "The assumption here is that associations in the brain are formed between neurons that are active at the same time," stated one of the men holding the experiment during a press conference. "If this is right, we should be forcing neurons associated with fear . . . to link up with new neurons expressing the pleasure of spending time with a female." So the mice who were all shocked remembered it positively while those in the room with opposite gender mice remember that experience as unpleasant.

Image 1: one of the mice is depicted in this photograph with the wiring in place that the mice within the experiment were all subjected too.