Tuesday 2 September 2014

Marijuana Compound May Halt the Progression of Alzheimer's Disease

(Marijuana plant)
Very low levels of a chemical found in marijuana called delta-9-tetrahydrocannaboil or also known as THC may be able to slow or halt the progression on Alzheimer’s disease.  Now knowing this information is helpful, but it doesn't really help the situation for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease as marijuana is classified as a drug in most places around the globe. Now you may be wondering well why pick marijuana instead of using other prescription drugs? Well this sort of medication using THC is ideal as it is completely natural therefor the patient doesn't need to worry what sort of unknown chemicals he is taking in the form of a pill anymore. Another concern people might have is that they don’t want to get intoxicated or “high” as the very same compound (THC) is used for the recreational purpose of marijuana use. This is also a concern the scientist from the University of South Florida had after they found that you only need so much THC to slow/halt the progression of Alzheimer, so they are trying to make a cocktail with THC caffeine and other natural ingredients. Unfortunately for this medicine to be brought to the market it will probably take years as the governments need to approve the use of medical marijuana also economically it wouldn't be good for companies that until now have made medicine to help with Alzheimer, but that is a long way ahead for us to be worried.

            Here is how THC helps to slow/halt Alzheimer. A chemical called amyloid beta is found in the brain and so far is known to be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, for what we know for now this chemical doesn't play any role in the functions of our brain, so increased levels of amyloid beta lead to Alzheimer. As we mentioned previously THC is known to decrease levels of amyloid beta levels by decreases its aggregation this may protect against the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.



  1. I like how you explained what causes Alzheimer's, and therefore how it can be cured or slowed down by THC. As you mentioned, it is unfortunately a problem that Marijuana is classified as an illegal drug in most countries. I also like how you explained how this can affect people with Alzheimer's disease, and why we should start using THC instead of prescription drugs. Do you think there are any downsides of using Marijuana/THC as a cure for Alzheimer's? If so, what?

  2. Yes i think of of the downsides of using THC as a treatment is that the small amount that will be used in the cocktail might be more than enough for some people as every individual has a different tolerance level towards THC therefore they might get intoxicated, other than that I don't think there should be any other problems with this treatment.

  3. I think this is a very interesting discovery and I liked that you explained it that easy that anyone could understand it.
    My questions is : Would a person that suffers from Alzheimer and does Marijuana live longer than a suffering person that is clean?

  4. Strange story, but I think it was very effective. Great use of scientific terminology, maybe just try to make it a bit clearer and add some more of your own words. Also, try including the bigger picture, or how this can be used throughout the world not only for Alzheimer's. Try showing how this affects people around the world. Good job overall.

  5. This is a very interesting story that could have big ramifications on the treatment of people with Alzheimer's. You have explained the science in good detail, but you have omitted to tell us about the wider implications of the story. When will this treatment be available etc...?


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